dc.description.abstract |
The report focuses on analyzing and identifying the working of a downdraft
gasifier to produce syngas that has numerous advantages in both practical and
industrial domains. The focus of this project was to study the manufactured
hardware model of the gasifier and calculate the required parameters, phases, and
model it for the successful production of syngas with the use of reverse
engineering. The study was done for the wood pellets that are a very good source
of producing energy through undesired biomass. The main operating parameters
in our study were the air flow rate, equivalence ratio, specific gasification rate
that helped us in predicting the performance of our downdraft gasifier. With the
required modifications and addition of components, we would be able to
successfully operate the gasifier, resulting in the production of quality syngas.
The produced gas if properly utilized could be a great potential for generation of
heat, electricity, and power and can be a real game changer in the field of biomass
energy conversion and management. |
en_US |