After the advent of welding as a joining method, welding technology was employed as a
key joining technique in hi-tech industry for the welding of AISI 321 structures such as pressure
vessels and aerospace applications. Due to their high strength and low weight ratio, stainless
steel AISI 321 is extensively used for various applications in a number of industries including
nuclear, aerospace, chemical, petrochemical, fertilizer, and food processing industries and in
many other major industrial operations. Manufacturing industry has taken advantages of tungsten
Inter gas (TIG) welding to join structures. High quality weld for stainless steels and non-ferrous
alloys are also obtained with this technique. However, in comparison to arc welding processes
the TIG welding has lower productivity due to shallow penetration, which confines its
application. From industrial point of view, stainless steel AISI 321 is very commonly used
material due to its improved corrosion resistance, low weight ratio and better creep rupture
strength. In this experimental work, the main objectives are to analyze and optimize the joining of
stainless steel AISI 321 sheet by tungsten Inter Gas (TIG) welding using Taguchi experimental
design. The current, voltage, gas flow rate and filler rod are the variable parameters in this study.
The properties namely ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength, % elongation, joint quality
and hardness of stainless steel AISI 321 are investigated by using filler material 316L and 308L
at varying current, voltage and gas flow rate.