NUST Institutional Repository

Scanning Infrastructures

Show simple item record Muhammad Affaq Dr Safi Ur Rehman 2022-08-16T08:32:48Z 2022-08-16T08:32:48Z 2022
dc.description.abstract Surveying is an art and is the basis of civil engineering. Field work and extensive labor make it a tiring task yet it is a necessity in the field. Accuracy and precision in surveying ultimately determine the success of the civil engineering project carried out. Digitalization of the survey and scanning infrastructures using photogrammetry brings a revolution in the field of the survey and a field task is turned into mere office work. The research aims to present the advantages of infrastructure scanning using photogrammetry, description of the devices and instruments used, and ultimately providing enough evidences to promote the technique in construction industry, with aim to scan, map, model, manage, optimize and analyze. TLS and UAVs are the advanced and modern instruments used to effectively perform the task. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Military College of Engineering (NUST) Risalpur Cantt en_US
dc.subject Geotechnical Engineering en_US
dc.title Scanning Infrastructures en_US

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  • BS [128]

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