NUST Institutional Repository

Use of Plastic as a Soil Stabilizer (Geosynthetic)

Show simple item record Zain Ellahi Supervisor Waqar Zafar 2022-08-18T09:11:23Z 2022-08-18T09:11:23Z 2022
dc.description.abstract Soil stabilization is an important geotechnical technique used all over the world. Soil upon receiving any type of load i.e. Foundation loads, Building, Earthquake etc. destabilizes because soil in original state is very weak and loose. Upon applying loads, it may settle which can cause damage to structures and also to human beings. There are many techniques used all over the world in order to stabilize the soil like Deep Dynamic Compaction, Vibrofloatation, addition of lime etc. Method of applying Geosynthetic to soil is novel. In Pakistan we hardly find any place where this technique is used. There is not much awareness about this phenomenon in Pakistan. This research will resultantly educate students by bringing them an experimentally backed research on the working of Geosynthetic and its effects as compared to normal soil. The data collected and the conclusions drawn from this project will be helpful for any potential research and infrastructure projects in the future. By working on this project we can educate ourselves, enhance our skills and emphasize the importance of understanding this technique. Any type of infrastructure (Buildings, Roads etc.) gets affected when load is applied on it. Our Research will highlight the importance of Geosynthetic use in order to prevent any damage to soil. The data collected and the conclusions drawn from this project will be helpful for any potential research in the future. Conclusion and Recommendations is the second half of our project. After the completion of the work, all the data will be interpreted and the necessary conclusions will be deduced. Based on those Conclusions, the most efficient technique will be suggested. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Military College of Engineering (NUST) Risalpur Cantt en_US
dc.subject Geotechnical Engineering en_US
dc.title Use of Plastic as a Soil Stabilizer (Geosynthetic) en_US

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