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Deternination of P-multiplier For 3x3 Foundation (Pile Group) in Sand Under Lateral Loads Using 3D F.E.M

Show simple item record Usman Manzar Supervisor Dr. Bilal Adeel 2022-08-26T04:58:42Z 2022-08-26T04:58:42Z 2022
dc.description.abstract Pile foundations are important for massive structures that are required to be built on relatively weak strata. Study of such structures under lateral loads are limited and requires special attention. Furthermore, study is also time consuming and uneconomical in field testing. 3D analysis by FEM will be used to predict the behavior of soils under different spacing and friction coefficients. Abaqus will be used in order to study such effects in detail and a relation with previous study of Rollins (2005) will be performed in order to validate our results and research. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Military College of Engineering (NUST) Risalpur Cantt en_US
dc.subject Geotechnical Engineering en_US
dc.title Deternination of P-multiplier For 3x3 Foundation (Pile Group) in Sand Under Lateral Loads Using 3D F.E.M en_US

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