Due to increase in climate change and urbanization, Net Zero Energy Buildings are one of the most effective solutions in energy and building sectors. Techniques to decrease the cooling and heating loads have been applied to buildings for centuries such as vernacular design. The challenge researchers are facing in the current weather scenario is to retrofit different energy efficiency measures to decrease energy load. These measures can be passive or active measures. In previous research, energy refurbishment using more than five energy efficiency measures lacks for sub tropic humid regions. The use of cork as insulation and heat pumps as energy efficiency measures has not been performed before for sub tropic humid region. In this research, a building is modeled with climatic data of Islamabad. It is later calibrated with mean bias error and calibration signature. After the verification of simulated building, six energy efficiency measures are applied such as insulation on external wall, insulation on roof, improvement of transparent objects, insulation on ground floor, change of HVAC system and solar PV panels. First passive measures are applied to the model and then active measures. Each energy efficiency measure is chosen on the basis of availability, net present value and discounted payback time. The main concept behind the research is to decrease the primary energy consumption of the building and excess energy can be exported. After the implementation of EEM, it was observed that parameter with high effect on primary energy consumption is as insulation on external with lowest effect that was of insulation on ground. Solar panels are modeled in such a way that it provides excess energy for net metering. The challenge to decrease the primary energy consumption can be solved by these measures. The policy makers, engineers and architects can benefit from this research to further research on weather like Islamabad that is sub tropic humid.