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Camera Based Eye Movement and EOG Detection to Control Mobility Assistive Device Using Graphical User Interface

Show simple item record Anum Rashid, supervised by Dr Asim Waris 2022-10-10T06:55:46Z 2022-10-10T06:55:46Z 2022
dc.description.abstract Researchers from all over the world have recently become increasingly interested in biobased human machine interfaces (HMI) for the assistance of paralyzed people enabling them to live an assistance free life. Among various approaches of designing a Human machine interface, eye signals are considered the most appropriate type of input. In general, eye-tracking systems assess a person's eyeball position and gaze direction and are classified into two approaches: electrooculography-based and computer vision based. This research uses EOG, and computer vision technique to predict which input method is more appropriate and user friendly for the mobility of an electric wheelchair. EOG data is acquired for four different eye movements i.e., right, left, upward, downward using BIOPAC. Video based data set is acquired using a webcam mounted at a fixed distance from the subject. EOG dataset is then processed and classified using eleven different classifiers among which the Decision tree shows the highest accuracy and F1 score i.e., 88.94 ± 13.82, 89.12 ± 13.58 respectively. The other data set of videos is processed using computer vision. Deep learning algorithms are used to classify the results. Both systems mentioned in this study have their own limitations. For EOG based system, the attachment of electrodes is a must requirement. This causes irritation to the user and sometimes generates motion artifacts which can be a source of hinderance for the motion of any HMI. For computer vision-based system, camera is a must requirement. However, it can’t be used in dark rooms, outdoor; during night times, wearing sunglasses and in similar other situations. For such situations, another alternative is an infrared camera, but prolonged usage of such camera can damage the eye. Therefore, a hybrid system should be developed which involves both techniques i.e, EOG and a camera which can effectively drive any mobility assistive device. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher SMME en_US
dc.subject Computer Vision, Electrooculogram, EOG, Gaze tracking, faster RCNN, Deep learning en_US
dc.title Camera Based Eye Movement and EOG Detection to Control Mobility Assistive Device Using Graphical User Interface en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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