Stroke is one the main cause of death around the world. Only in USA, someone dies of the
stroke in every 4 minutes which is an alarming condition in health sector. The upper limb
malfunction is a grouping of muscular feebleness decreased adroitness, non-coordination, loss of
senses and abnormalities in motor interaction, that adversely affects the action of happenings of
mundane livings. Many therapies are underway to treat the stroke patients. One of them is
traditional way and the other is EMG based therapy. In this research, we focused on the EMG
based therapy on stroke patients and its relativity with the traditional therapy. EMG based therapy
was implemented on 06 subject and it was found that EMG based therapy was significantly better
traditional therapies. There has been seen great improvement in the pre-assessment and post
assessment tests. Majority participants have showed significantly improved scores in postassessment tests as compared to pre-assessments test. This shows great potential of EMG therapy
in stroke patients. It was also observed after therapy that patients were slightly able to perform
Activities of Daily Living such as eating, drinking, bathing, writing etc. Another major benefit for
this therapy was it doesn’t require any specialization. Anyone at can home with some practice can
perform EMG at homes. Another advantage of this therapy was that EMG device readily available
and are available at very low cost.