Energy retrofitting along with environmental protection and social benefits is critical for campus sustainability. Most of the universities fail to fully appreciate the significance of sustainable retrofitting mainly due ...
The construction industry has a huge detrimental effect on the environment. Presently,
the industrialized countries have high consumption of natural resources and are not sustainable.
To cater to this challenge, sustainable ...
Construction industry faces many challenges, one key challenge is the timely completion of
projects. The same challenge with higher magnitude is faced by the construction industry of
Pakistan. Literature reports that 80% ...
Project success is a most commonly debated topic in project management, yet it is least agreed upon. A project is usually recognized as successful when it is completed on time, within budget, according to specifications ...
In a national context, economic growth, social well-being and infrastructure development have a strong relationship. This complex relationship is at the core of a nation’s development which also includes communication ...
In construction, the formwork supports and retains the freshly poured
concrete till the time it cures. Formwork has an essential role in the structural
works and its operations are labor exhaustive and time-consuming. ...
Construction projects are unique in nature resulting in an exclusive result at the end.
Dynamic nature of these projects and involvement of large number of stakeholders
exposes them to a variety of known and unknown ...
Infrastructure projects pose serious challenges and opportunities in the development of a country. A better road infrastructure will ensure that country’s economic wheel keeps running and a better electricity infrastructure ...
Risk is an inevitable phenomenon in construction projects. Various managerial,
technological, financial and innovative techniques have been implemented to address and
effectively manage project risk, ensuring overall ...
In Pakistan, there is an abundance of highly skilled and hardworking workforce and they are also
willing to work. The main problem however is, that there is a lack of a regulatory authority that
may manage the human ...
The world is facing the worst environmental issues like never before. Environmental adversaries across the globe have compelled the world to pay attention to reduce the environmental impacts. Urbanization is happening at ...
The construction industry is one of the important sectors of the country; it needs
some improvements in its thinking, processes and way of workings so that it can add
value to money and customers. The purpose of this ...
Stakeholder are inherent part of any project. Whilst some stakeholders have limited ability to influence project and its outcomes, others could significantly influence them. It is indispensable to keep these stakeholders ...
The project risk is a given, which influences major management and financing decision. Choosing an optimum financing instrument has posed serious challenges to decision makers. Modern project systems rely on project financing ...
Construction projects are prone to risk of unparalleled degree due to their size, complexity, resource utilization, safety hazard and dynamic nature. If not managed properly, risk may increase the possibility of project ...
Disputes are found to be very common in the construction industry. It has been reported that the amount spent in resolving disputes through litigation is US $5 billion annually in the United States. This study is focused ...
Even with enhanced knowledge and awareness, construction industry continues to rank among the most hazardous occupations in the world. Construction industry incurs thousands of fatalities and injuries to construction workers ...
Construction is one of the most essential industries in Pakistan and a critical asset in
helping the country succeed in a globally competitive market. Construction industry
performance to a large extent is backed by the ...
Areej Zaib(National University of Sciences and Technology, 2016)
Construction industry is surrounded by uncertainties and complexities which cause risk.
Among the five facets of complexity; structural complexity, uncertainty, dynamic, pace
and socio-political, the last aspect is studied ...
Almost every project in the construction industry is facing cost overrun problem due to several risks involved which results into poor performance in terms of delay and cost overrun in construction projects. In order to ...