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Morpho-Physiological Screening For Drought Tolerance At Seedling Stage In Wheat

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dc.contributor Rao Kainat MaryamTuba Khan Hadia Sajid Roha Asmat 2023-01-06T04:49:46Z 2023-01-06T04:49:46Z 2020
dc.identifier 200571
dc.description.abstract Drought is one of the most common prevailing abiotic stress factors which has adverse effects on crop production. Wheat is the staple crop of Pakistan and its production potential is severely hampered by the water scarcity conditions. Water stress limits the growth of wheat by affecting its physiological, morphological, biochemical, and molecular pathways necessary to develop a good crop cover. This study was performed to analyse some of the physio-morphological parameters under the water deficit environments and to evaluate and identify the most tolerant and susceptible wheat genotypes. The traits conducted in the study included germination percentage, root and shoot length, coleoptile length, seedling vigour and water saturation deficit. There were ten genotypes under study and comparisons were made with two control genotypes, known to have better drought tolerance. Water stress was induced by using a 20% polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) solution. Water stress had a significantly higher effect on shoot, root and coleoptile development affecting the lengths. Based on our study, two potential genotypes were identified for further intensive screening at biochemical and molecular level. Such screening procedures are the basis of breeding programs. Breeders use this information to either improve existing varieties by crossing them with tolerant varieties or by improving yield of tolerant genotypes so that they can be used commercially. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Atta Ur Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB), NUST en_US
dc.subject Morpho-Physiological, Screening, Drought, Tolerance, Seedling, Wheat en_US
dc.title Morpho-Physiological Screening For Drought Tolerance At Seedling Stage In Wheat en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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