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Miniaturized Data Dense Temperature Sensor Tag based on Frequency Signature

Show simple item record Sattar, Asma Supervised by Dr. Mir Yasir Umair 2023-04-28T06:59:43Z 2023-04-28T06:59:43Z 2023-03
dc.identifier.other TEE-386
dc.identifier.other MSEE-25
dc.description.abstract In this research thesis, a data-dense 40-bit square fashioned chipless RFID tag of area 29×29 mm2 is designed for the identifications of multiple objects. The data capacity will be capable of labeling 240 = 1,099,511,627,776 items for tracking or identification. The proposed tag design is finalized on Taconic (TLX- 0), Rogers RT/duroid® /5870, Kapton® HN (DuPont™) and Rogers RT/duroid® /5880 (flexible) as substrates along with copper and silver-nano ink as radiating materials. The data capacity of 40-bits is making it data-dense. Simulations of different tags are computed which resulted in the formation of dips on a particular frequency. The measured radar cross-section (RCS) response is realized for Kapton® HN-based tag. Bit ‘1’ is achieved at frequency dip and ‘0’ bit is attained by shortening that particular slot. Further, the tag was optimized as temperature sensor by the fusion of Rogers RT/duroid®/5880 with stanyl polyamide making it a combined substrate and variation inRCS responsewas measured. Therefore, the miniaturized, robust and flexible tag can be deployed in food industries, pharmaceuticals, or for any temperature sensing applications. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Miniaturized Data Dense Temperature Sensor Tag based on Frequency Signature en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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