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Numerical Investigation Of Flow Around Double, Single And No Slit Cylinder

Show simple item record Hassaan Idrees, Supervisor by Dr. Muhammad Sajid 2023-06-01T10:33:35Z 2023-06-01T10:33:35Z 2023
dc.description.abstract This study presents a numerical investigation of the flow characteristics around a single and double-slotted cylinder using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The simulations were conducted using CFD software OpenFOAM on a structured grid. The governing equations for incompressible, laminar flow were solved using the SIMPLE FOAM solver. A mesh-independent study led to a structured grid with 0.7m cells which was sufficient to capture the flow features accurately. The results show that the addition of double slits to the cylinder significantly reduces the drag coefficient as compared to a normal cylinder. The reduction in drag coefficient was observed to be more significant for wider slits, with a maximum reduction of 22% observed for a gap between slits and a width-to-diameter ratio of 0.1. The streamlines and pressure contours for the double-slotted cylinder show a distinct change in the flow pattern due to the presence of the slits. The flow around the slotted cylinder is observed to be more streamlined with less vortex shedding as compared to the no-slit cylinder. Additionally, the slits help in reducing the size of the wake region behind the cylinder, resulting in a reduction of pressure drag. The effect of the Reynolds number on the flow characteristics was also studied. It was observed that the increase in Reynolds number resulted in a decrease in drag coefficient for each set of cases, similar to that of a no-slit and single-slotted cylinder. The results of this study suggest that the presence of double slits can significantly alter the flow characteristics of a cylinder and improve its aerodynamic performance, especially in laminar conditions. The findings of this study can have potential applications in various fields, including aerospace, wind energy, and marine engineering. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher SMME en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries SMME-TH-853;
dc.subject Slotted Cylinders, Drag Coefficient, Passive Control, Flow characteristics, Force Characteristics en_US
dc.title Numerical Investigation Of Flow Around Double, Single And No Slit Cylinder en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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