The study explored the definition of inclusion management at both the individual and
organizational levels in Pakistani context. The objectives of the study were to explore
the definition of inclusion, the elements essential for an inclusive setting and the
experiences of employees around inclusion management practices. The sample size
consisted of thirty-two respondents comprising of management and employees from
two leading telecom organizations in Pakistan to gain detailed insight from the
organizations who were among the pioneers to introduce this concept in the telecom
industry. The findings of the study showed similarities between existing
conceptualizations of inclusion as well as some unique attributes pertaining to
Pakistani context. The definition of inclusion management was broader than existing
conceptualizations as the dimensions of tolerance and empathy emerged during the
research. Additionally elements such as respect, presence of adequate infrastructure
and provision of necessary tools also embodied the conceptualization of inclusion that
manifested definition of inclusion in Pakistani context. The study also uncovered the
reasons behind introducing the strategy for inclusion along with the specific initiatives
introduced by organizations to create an inclusive setting. The findings revealed that
the concept of inclusion was much developed in A1 than A2. Overall, this study sheds
light on the understanding and management of inclusion specific to Pakistani context
and lays the foundation for future research.