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Utilisation of OSINT: Empirical Study of CTI Practices in Pakistan

Show simple item record Shafiq, Fizza 2023-06-21T11:09:11Z 2023-06-21T11:09:11Z 2023
dc.identifier.other 317909
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Sana Qadir en_US
dc.description.abstract With the observed increase in Internet users, the volume of available data is increasing as well. Public platforms such as social media, news sources, and open data reposito ries present a vast potential that remains largely untapped. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) holds unparalleled utility, particularly in the realm of Cyber Threat Intelli gence (CTI). Although there has been significant progress in the IT infrastructure in Pakistan, it lags behind in terms of cyber security implementations. To address this gap, a comprehensive empirical study was conducted over a period of seven months, employing a mixed methods approach. Data were collected from general employees and security specialists through surveys and interviews. These resources are often utilized without proper awareness of the corresponding terminology of "OSINT". This paradigm indicates a suitable environment in Pakistan for progress and improvement in the utility of open source data and tools. A framework is also proposed to facilitate the integration of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) into the routine IT operations of organizations and maximize the effectiveness of their endeavors. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, NUST en_US
dc.subject Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Security practices, Information security, Framework en_US
dc.title Utilisation of OSINT: Empirical Study of CTI Practices in Pakistan en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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