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Adaptive Multi-Input-Output Medium Access Control (AMIO-MAC) Design using Physical Layer Cognition for Tactical SDR Networks

Show simple item record Bharah, M. Naeem Amjad 2023-07-11T04:34:59Z 2023-07-11T04:34:59Z 2023
dc.identifier.other 320029
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. M. Umar Farooq en_US
dc.description.abstract This article presents a novel cross-layer design strategy for tactical software-defined radio (SDR) networks. The approach takes into consideration the stringent criteria regarding latency, throughput, and dependability. An Adaptive Multi-Input-Output Medium Access Control (AMIO-MAC) protocol, an intelligent channel allocation method, and a hybrid physical layer that is multi-mode and multi-band powered by a cognitive engine are the components that make up the system that has been presented. SDR is able to function in a hybrid topology, thanks to the physical layer’s innovative usage of a mixed combination of narrow-band and wide-band waveforms to satisfy differing range needs. This makes the physical layer one of a kind. The AMIO-MAC design guarantees a decrease in both the control phase and the data phase delay, while the MAC layer assures that the most of the time and frequency spectrum is utilized. Bandwidth and latency optimization are managed by the suggested trio consisting of the physical layer, the MAC layer, and cognition to achieve the quality of service that is required. The results of the simulation illustrate that the proposed design is superior to the conventional method of tactical radio MAC. The overall objective of the cross-layer design strategy that has been advocated for SDR networks is to achieve high throughput, improved quality of service, and flexible range capabilities. A hybrid physical layer that is capable of simultaneously supporting multiple bands has been proposed. A technique for the MAC layer that enables the software-defined radio to transmit data to numerous users who are operating on various bands within a single time slot by using the hybrid physical layer’s capability to its greatest potential. In comparison to a conventional tactical radio network, this will result in decreased latency as well as a shorter scheduling period. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of EME, NUST en_US
dc.subject Software Defined Radio, Medium Access Control, Multi-mode, Multiband, Control phase, data phase, Latency, Cognition en_US
dc.title Adaptive Multi-Input-Output Medium Access Control (AMIO-MAC) Design using Physical Layer Cognition for Tactical SDR Networks en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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