Attention-deficit/ hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and entrepreneurship forays have been theorized
to be associated with each other due to the nature of symptoms of the former and the
environment of the latter. Regardless the literature remains scarce and requires empirical
statistical testing to establish literature further. The current study uses the lens of the
Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs Theory to examine the relationship between ADHD and individual
entrepreneurial orientation (IEO), with mediating role of entrepreneurial resilience (ER) and
impulsivity (IMP). Furthermore, how ‘hyper focus’ (HF) affects the path between predictor and
the outcome variable. Data was collected through a survey questionnaire from entrepreneurs
across Pakistan and was analyzed through SPSS for descriptive statistics, coefficients of
correlation, and hypotheses testing through PROCESS Macro. Similarly, model fitness was
tested through confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS. Results showed a significant positive
correlation between ADHD tendency and IEO. This correlation is mediated significantly and
positively by ER whereas was not significantly mediated by IMP, although it showed negative
relation. Additionally, HF moderated positively the ADHD-tendency and IEO relationship with
only low hyper-focus significantly moderated mediation of ER and IMP on ADHD and IEO.
This study adds to the emerging literature of associating mental health (clinical and non-clinical)
with entrepreneurship as well as helps in establishing domain-specific entrepreneurship
psychology theory that has been broad till recent past. Moreover, the DET is further established
and supported through the results of this study. Furthermore, it adds to the explanation of the
variable hyper-focus. Additionally, educators can help ADHD adolescents and adults in selecting
a career path fit for their characteristics. This will also be helpful for managers and training