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Scope of Virtualization in Pakistan IT Industry

Show simple item record RAZA, SOHAIB 2023-07-18T06:27:17Z 2023-07-18T06:27:17Z 2016
dc.description Supervisor: Prof. Faqir Taj en_US
dc.description.abstract Pakistan is known to be in Technology leap as compared to other countries. IT sector is our neighboring countries however boomed rapidly in comparison with Pakistan. Many short sighted firms like fujifilms have closed their businesses as they weren’t able to adapt technological changes on time. Most of the companies and firms in Pakistan have put Digitization as part of their strategy, Customer focus has increased more than ever due to rising competition, revenue margins shrieked in most of the enterprises due to inflation and huge competition. In this scenario, enterprises are looking for smarter ways of doing business with reduced costs and better customer experience. Network Virtualization was introduced in year 2008 by Openstack community which is an open community for everyone and Openstack software has no license binding. Anyone can download, deploy and use it free of cost. Most of the small organizations have now started moving towards opensource solutions to reduce cost of infrastructure they have deployed. Not just the small organizations, many big organizations have also started using opensource solutions to get rid of expensive licenses but then this comes with a cost which is performance, reliability and accountability. Apart of that, virtualization is huge if in not just Pakistan’s IT industry but around the world and this is part of most of the strategy of almost all the IT and Telecom companies. Telenor has already moved all of their infrastructure to virtualization and others following. UN has moved from local personal computers to Amazon Web services and this has greatly reduced their cost with added efficiency and availability as they have not only saved money on computational resources but also on maintenance and space for computers, they only have screens to connect to their organizational computers sitting at Amazon Web Services which perform much better than local computers due to huge computational power they have. UN only pays for what they use, nothing else and that’s how simple and cost effective is virtualization. Companies don’t have to rely on specialized hardware for each application, they can run everything on one standard x86 hardware server which supports virtualization. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Business School (NBS), NUST en_US
dc.title Scope of Virtualization in Pakistan IT Industry en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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