Reduced-order models (ROM) based on Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) hold
importance in
uid dynamics due to their utilization in
ow control, optimization,
and design applications. POD-ROMs have shown promising results for laminar
however, they lack accuracy for complex and turbulent
ows. Higher POD modes of
ows are discarded in ROM in order to get more computational advantage
over the full order simulation. Although higher modes contain low amount of energy,
but they are responsible for viscous dissipation in ROM. These viscous e ects in ROM
are modeled by using di erent linear and nonlinear closure modeling techniques. Nonlinear
closure models have shown promising results for turbulent
ow, however, they
are computationally expensive.
This study presents a computationally e cient nonlinear closure model, which is
based on a dynamical system approach for complex
ows. We assess the proposed
model by simulating the
ow past a circular cylinder. Although the
ow problem
is relatively simple, but plays a vital role in investigation, modeling, and control of
ows. The performance of ROM is judged by four assessment criteria
which are the temporal coe cients, the mean velocity, the root mean square (rms) of
uctuations, and Reynolds stresses. The results con rm that the proposed
model improves the accuracy of ROM. Moreover, this model is computationally less
expensive as compared to other nonlinear closure models.
We investigate three aspects of ROM: closure modeling, ROM for control applications,
and ROM for aerodynamic forces. For control applications it becomes a chalii
lenging task to develop a closure model in the presence of nonhomogeneous boundary
conditions. We investigate the closure model for nonhomogeneous boundary conditions
and demonstrate the closure modeling e ects in control applications.
Generally, the ROM considers the velocity eld in the
ow. On the other hand,
the surface pressure is also important for analyzing the fatigue and failure of structure.
However, the ROM for pressure forces is a relatively less explored research area.
Therefore, we develop a computationally e cient ROM for aerodynamic forces using
pressure mode decomposition (PMD). We consider the localized pressure POD modes
on the cylinder surface, integrate each mode on the surface, and decompose them into
normal and streamwise components, namely lift and drag decomposition coe cients,
respectively. These coe cients are scalar quantities and are independent of spatial coordinates.
The lift and drag coe cients are expanded in a Galerkin fashion using the
decomposition coe cients. The temporal coe cients are computed through a mapping
function based on a quadratic stochastic estimator. The rst odd pair of lift decomposition
coe cients and the rst even pair of drag decomposition coe cients are more
signi cant than any other pair in modeling the aerodynamic forces. These ndings
help us in the development of computationally e cient ROM for aerodynamic forces
based on a speci c pair of decomposition coe cients.
Dr Imran Akhtar, Supervisor
Dr Hasan Aftab Saeed, Co-supervisor
Dr Tariq Talha
Dr Raja Amer Azim
Dr Naveed Iqbal Durrani