NUST Institutional Repository

Role of Gender Diversity & Inclusion (GDI) in Organizational Growth and Maturity phases.

Show simple item record Ahmed, Zainab 2023-07-19T06:23:20Z 2023-07-19T06:23:20Z 2019
dc.identifier.other 317699
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Asfia Obaid en_US
dc.description.abstract This thesis study is conducted on the role of gender diversity (GDI) and inclusion in organizational growth and maturity phases. The study aims to understand how GDI influences an organization in different organizational life cycle phases (growth and maturity). Moreover, it also explored the strategies that an organization adopts for GDI promotion in both the growth and maturity phases. In last, the impact of covid-19 pandemic is also studied on GDI during these two phases. A qualitative study was adopted for this study. This research is conducted during covid-19 pandemic therefore, data was collected thorough online semi-structured interviews with 22 participants through snowball sampling techniques. According to existing literature, very less amount of work is done on comparative studies about GDI on different phases of the life cycle. The finding of this qualitative exploratory study filled the existing gaps in the literature. Moreover, it will help the HRM policy makes to revise their existing policies to gain maximum financial gain from GDI. This study has opened new avenues related to GDI and organizational life cycle that can be explored in the future. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Business School (NBS), NUST en_US
dc.subject Gender Diversity and Inclusion, Organizational life cycle, Growth Phase, Maturity Phase, Covid-19 pandemic en_US
dc.title Role of Gender Diversity & Inclusion (GDI) in Organizational Growth and Maturity phases. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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