This business report shows the progress and growth of the social enterprise ‘The Gulabi
Code’ from its idea conception stage to a completely self-sustainable business over a
short period of time. The Gulabi Code (TGC) solves the issue of availability of hygiene
and menstrual products in Pakistan. There’s a strong taboo associated with the
reproductive health of women which makes it a challenging industry to cater.
Discussion about periods is considered a taboo in not only rural but also urban
communities of the country, due to which women lack basic information regarding
menstrual hygiene, and seeking help for issues faced during menstruation. TGC aimed
to work for countering the taboos by targeting the urban population through social
media campaigns and by providing a platform which showcases all products needed for
periods management.
TGC is an online business which showcases a vast product line of products that are not
easily available in Pakistan; TGC delivers these products to the doorsteps of customers
with convenient payment methods like cash on delivery and online bank transfer. With
the increasing discussion about taboos and the importance of addressing women
reproductive health issues the need for platforms like TGC has increased over the recent
Currently, The Gulabi Code is a one of its kind platform which is actively working for
providing the female population in Pakistan with all the necessities at their convenience.
The broad product range available is one of the core strengths of TGC and is largely
appreciated by the customers of TGC. TGC not only showcases products but also comes
up with new ways to facilitate women and combat the stigma against menstruation, like
installation of a free pads dispenser at the workplace of one of TGC’s partner companies i.e. Askolay. Despite the market being associated with taboos, TGC is actively
contributing to encouraging discussions about periods, menstruation and health issues
of women.