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Design and manufacturing of a setup for the testing and evaluation of a motor vehicle’s front fog lamps simulating fog effects using a filter

Show simple item record Majid Ali Saad Hassan Shaheer Anjum 2020-10-22T15:01:25Z 2020-10-22T15:01:25Z 2017
dc.description.abstract Basic purpose of the project is to design and manufacture a laboratory mounted set up for testing and evaluating the performances of different fog lamps in foggy conditions, and achieving simulation of fog by designing a filter that behaves similar to fog. Main requirements while performing our experiment were to make sure no external light interferes with our work. To counter external light a structure would be constructed and covered with nylon fabric that would not allow the entrance of external light. Under these conditions, two experiments would be performed. One of them was to check the performance of fog lamps in artificial fog produced by the artificial fog machine, by measuring the luminance of light and the scattering and attenuation of light through the fog with lux meter. Second one would be related to recreation of fog effects using a filter (jute net) and performing experiment one. Net would serve us the purpose of artificial fog because it would work as attenuating medium. It would pass and reflect light simultaneously in the same way as fog does. Data obtained by this would be compared with the artificial fog results and analyzed. In the end, conclusions would be drawn about the performances of light and recommended testing protocol would be given. Key words: Fog, Fog Simulation, Fog Lamps, Artificial Fog machine, Jute net. en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.subject Design and manufacturing of a setup for the testing and evaluation of a motor vehicle’s front fog lamps simulating fog effects using a filter en_US
dc.title Design and manufacturing of a setup for the testing and evaluation of a motor vehicle’s front fog lamps simulating fog effects using a filter en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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