Micro Scanning Stage (MSS) is used to generate precise and effective micro scanning motion of any object, such as, motion of lens in lateral direction. The stage consists of piezoelectric actuators that utilize piezoelectric effect of crystal materials, feedback sensors along with mechanical and electrical interfaces. This design enables one lens to be sufficed for scanning of various sized objects. The resolution of the imaging lens of micro scanning stage is enhanced by a precise arrangement of piezoelectric actuators for increasing scan area. The images hence taken are stitched together to increase the field of view of the lens. This mechanism is analyzed for robustness using Creo-Parametric and Creo-Mechanica. The application of the project is Industrial Inspection System for IC Fault Detection. This system requires acutely precise motion between lens and IC being tested. Image stitching technique is used to combine the images taken from this system. The robustness of MSS plays pivotal role in generating the accurate image structure that later on is analyzed for fault detection in IC. Hence, the robust mechanism design of MSS is the prime focus of this thesis. Control integration and image processing are also parallel parts of the project.