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Machine Learning Based Adaptive Prediction Horizon in Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control

Show simple item record Muhammad Saleh Murtaza Gardezi 2020-10-22T15:25:36Z 2020-10-22T15:25:36Z 2017
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Ammar Hasan en_US
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, an adaptive prediction horizon approach based on machine learning is presented for the nite control set model predictive control (FCS- MPC) of power converters. Normally, in FCS-MPC, the prediction horizon (N) is xed during both the transients and the steady-state. A large N improves performance while signi cantly increasing the computational cost. A novel technique is presented where the prediction horizon (N) adapts to the instantaneous states i.e. il, vo and vo;err = (vref 􀀀 vo). Simulations are run for di erent combinations of N, il, vo and vref to create a data set of the optimal N against the instantaneous states and the error between the reference output voltage and the output voltage and an arti cial neural network is trained to tell the optimal length of N. The proposed method is simulated on a boost converter in Simulink. The simulation results show that the computational cost is reduced without a ecting the performance. en_US
dc.publisher National University of Sciences and Technology en_US
dc.subject Electrical Engineering en_US
dc.title Machine Learning Based Adaptive Prediction Horizon in Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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