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Effect of Magnetomechanical Coating on Beams with Varying Thickness

Show simple item record NADEEM, SHOAIB 2023-08-10T11:10:15Z 2023-08-10T11:10:15Z 2019
dc.identifier.other 00000117690
dc.description Supervisor Dr. HASAN AFTAB SAEED en_US
dc.description.abstract High cycle fatigue (HCF) caused by the vibratory stresses is the main cause of failure in rotating machine components, e.g. aircraft engine and gas turbine components. Which has lead to loss of millions of dollars. To avoid these kind of failures, vibrations must be reduced to an acceptable level, especially at resonant frequencies. A lot of previous studies have shown that coatings of different materials can significantly reduce these vibratory stresses by adding damping to the system. These include viscoelastic materials, plasma graded coatings, piezoelectric materials, and magneto-mechanical damping material coatings. But some of these have applicability and performance issues. Among these thin coatings, magneto-mechanical materials have shown to reduce vibratory stresses significantly. In this study, improvement in damping characteristics have been explored under different thicknesses of the magnetomechanical coatings. The effect of different structure thicknesses under same magnetomechanical coating of 200μm is also studied. The experimental results are validated by numerical results by performing FEA analysis in MSC NASTRAN. The results show, increase in damping of the system by increasing the thickness of the magnetomechanical coating. And the magneto-mechanical coating of 200μm gives the best damping properties when applied to thin structure as compared to thick structures en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.subject Key Words: High cycle fatigue, Vibratory Stresses, Magneto-mechanical material coating. en_US
dc.title Effect of Magnetomechanical Coating on Beams with Varying Thickness en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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