Fast Lanes in service provider‘s network are provisioned on each node throughout the route. Number of resources are required to construct a Fast Lane
over a large network and a Fast Lane keeps on retaining the network resources (bandwidth, Data rate etc.) permanently. Client pays for services
to develop a Fast Lane as well as retain the networking resources, which together add a significant amount to clients expenditures. Using third party
financial platforms to pay ISPs, is a hindrance in fast service delivery. It
lacks transparency, adds an overhead to the process and it is prone to cy ber attacks. We propose a solution which uses SDN to centrally control the
network and instantly construct an end-to-end Fast Lane using Ethereum
based SmartContract. First, we have developed SDN controller App which
lay a Fast Lane over the network for end-to-end communication, then we
have developed a SmartContract on Ethereum to eliminate presence of 3rd
party financial services. Using Ethereum we have built single pane-of-glass
facility for consumer to acquire pay-as-you-go Fast Lanes access. In the end
Intel SGX has been used for reliable communication of control traffic between
Ethereum and SDN module. Research in this project presents the realization of open source platforms in SDN and Ethereum to provide on-demand
service of Fast Lanes with SmartContracts.