AI has impacted all domains of life. Applications of AI in military domain is no exception. In the
military domain, AI has applications in the field of logistics, surveillance, navigation,
intelligence gathering, decision making, communication systems, cyber security, information
security etc. It also find applications in the domain of robotics and autonomous systems. AI also
helps in decision making. On the other hand, such systems are also vulnerable. AI based systems
have huge security related issues. For proper functioning, safety of AI based systems is of huge
importance. Moreover, there are many ethical issues associated with autonomous systems. Such
systems must comply with international guidelines and humans must remain in decision making.
Next, due to conventional asymmetry between India and Pakistan, militarization of AI is able to
impact strategic stability in South Asia. The aim of this research work is to explore, the impact of
integration of AI in weapon systems by India on strategic stability in South Asia, because India
has conducted numerous violations of Pakistan’s maritime boundary and is also involved in
manipulating cyber space. Therefore, it is important to highlight the impact of militarization of
AI by India on strategic stability in South Asia. On the other hand, the importance of
infrastructural developments, indigenous research and development etc., for Pakistan is also
highlighted. In this research work, qualitative research approach is employed. This research is
exploratory. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews are conducted to gather information and data
relevant to the subject under consideration, from experts in the field of nuclear deterrence,
strategic stability, AI, ML etc. Also, research journals, books, documents from online sources,
expert opinions are explored as secondary sources to substantiate argument.