CT scans have proved to be an important modality for diagnoses of thoracic diseases
such as TB, emphysema and cancer. However, soft tissues and minor pathologies are
not clearly identifiable from CT. Computer aided processing of CT data can solve the
problem. For computer aided diagnoses of lungs diseases, lungs segmentation is a
prerequisite. Moreover, lungs segmentation has its application in visualization,
volumetric measurement, shape representation and analysis, image guided surgery
and nodule size measurement etc. Most of the lungs segmentation methods are
scanner dependent. We proposed and implemented a novel, 3-D fully automated
machine independent method for segmenting lungs region from CT slices using
hybrid approach. Thresholding, mathematical morphology and pixel connectivity
have been utilized to achieve the objective. We approached the problem by generating
binary mask which identifies the lungs regions on each CT slice. Then, lungs are
segmented using the binary mask. The method of generating mask comprised of five
steps. 1) Gray level threshold value has been calculated by iterative method and
Otsu's method. Results of both methods are same with difference in decimal places
only. Iterative method maximizes within class similarity and Otsu's method
maximizes between class variance. Using calculated threshold, thresholded binary
image has been generated. 2) All objects are identified on the thresholded image by
taking advantage of connectivity of pixels and objects connected with border of the
image have been removed. These objects were due to attenuation of X-rays through
air around the patient. 3) Gaps on region of interest have been stuffed by
morphological filling. 4) Trachea, bronchi's and other areas which could be mistaken
for lungs have been removed by exploiting anatomical properties of the lungs.
5) Mask boundaries have been smoothed by morphological closing. Finally, lungs
have been segmented by arrays product of final mask generated in first step to fifth
step and original CT image. The proposed method has been applied on data set of
three complete CT scans (20 slices each) and 25 more slices thus in all on 85 slices
taken from two different sources. Results have been compared with manually
delineated lungs on CT images by a radiologist. Mean Overlapping Fraction, mean
precision, mean Sensitivity/Recall, mean Specificity, mean Accuracy and mean Fmeasure have been calculated and recorded as 0.9900, 0.9962, 0.9966,
0.9977, 0.9992 and 0.9964 respectively.