Smart phones and applications are being extensively used because smart
phones not only provide feasible and instant connectivity, navigation, 24/7
internet access, data collection and data transfer, customizability, smart pay ments, graphical user interface, portability, increase in productivity and mo bility but besides all these features multiple tasks can be performed by mul tiple applications that makes it all in one device.
The total number of smartphone users increase day by day.The number of
applications downloads in the year 2017 was $175 billion and people spent
$86 billion. Who doesn’t know Apple’s fiendishly smart slogan? - “There’s
an app for that”
The frequency of crimes related or carried out by using smartphones is el evating day by day making it crucial for forensic investigator to carry out
investigation in this research we extract and analyze five applications to find
evidence, keeping the need to explore them in mind.
Forensic investigators face three major challenges extracting, analyzing and
presenting data in human readable form. The objectives of this research is to
determine user remnants of evidentiary worth in applications from three dis tinct and widely used categories namely social networking, photo and video
and travel applications. Smart phones applications are being extensively
used regardless of the fact that the user doesn’t know which artifacts can be
extracted from the phone in case it goes missing or from the backup he has
created on his pc.
In this research we have explored the user remnants of all these applications
which could be of evidentiary value. We detect a variety of artifacts that
could facilitate in a criminal investigation. Complete research is done for
iPhone technical preview. Possible locations are investigated and analyzed
to identify locations and particulars of remnants.