Research has been conducted to study the impact of wake vortices, which are the flow pattern
effects caused by the movement of one flapping fish, on the thrust of another flapping fish located
behind it in a staggered or tandem configuration. The objective of the experimental analysis is to
gain insights into the hydrodynamic performance of fish, including the structures of their wakes
and shedding vortices. Specifically, this study focuses on staggered and tandem fish
configurations. The team has developed 3D printed fish, such as Tuna and Goldfish, which can
flap their tails with variable frequencies controlled by a mechanism. The researchers will observe
the hydrodynamic effects of two fish swimming in various real-life configurations and analyze the
fluid dynamics associated with multiple fish movements. The study will also investigate wake and
disturbance analysis in relation to other fish and the environment. Through hydrodynamic analysis,
we can gain a deeper understanding of the tandem and staggered behaviors of fish in relation to
different frequencies of tail movement and water tunnel velocity.