In today’s fast paced globalization, increased competition, fast depletion of material resources, and
increasing need for the protection of worker’s intellectual property and strengthening the
knowledge worker are important to build institutions with a diverse workforce. Among all types
of workforce diversity, age diversity is more prominent in education sector of Pakistan. Effect of
age diversity on employees’ performance can be positive or negative. This research is focused on
the impact caused by age diversity on employee performance and the mediating influence of
perceived age discrimination climate. This study is conducted on the education sectors; more
specifically universities of Islamabad, Pakistan. This research is quantitative in nature and proper
scales used for each variable to get unbiased data, further the unbiased results are presented and
discussed after detailed analysis. The hypotheses in this study were hypothesized using two
theories; “social identity theory and social the categorization theory.”
The data was collected from higher education sector (universities) of Pakistan using cross sectional
research design and survey technique. For data analysis SPSS v. 23 is used for hypotheses testing
and PROCESS macro v. 3.0 was used for testing the mediating hypotheses. This study is also the
addition to the existing research and it’s literature by exploring less explored avenues of age
diversity, employee performance and perceived age discrimination climate.