The use of conventional energy conversion devices like internal combustion engines and batteries has certain disadvantages including higher emissions of greenhouse gases (which are a threat to the environment contributing to global warming), lower efficiencies and decreasing output with the passage of time in case of batteries. These disadvantages compelled man to look for alternative energy conversion devices, which can replace the internal combustion engines and batteries. One such device is a fuel cell, it is an electrochemical device, which converts the chemical energy of a fuel directly into electrical energy. The emissions from a fuel cell are significantly less as compared to conventional devices. Fuel cells produce less noise due to no moving parts, give constant output that does not decay over time and promise higher efficiency. The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is a high temperature fuel cell that operates between 600-1000 °C and uses a solid ceramic as an electrolyte. The operation at higher temperature allows the use of cheap catalysts, fuel flexibility and higher reaction rates. This report presents the working of a solid oxide fuel cell, operating at low temperature (500-600 °C) along with a complete mathematical model and computational fluid dynamics analysis of SOFC using COMSOL multi physics software.