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Analysis of a multi-story RCC frame with shear walls

Show simple item record Syed Ayaz Haider , Supervisor Dr. Hassan SagheerHussam Hussain Wyne ,Shanyal Babar 2023-10-06T04:55:04Z 2023-10-06T04:55:04Z 2023-10-06
dc.description.abstract In recent days, the development of tall buildings is preferredsduesto lesssspace availability. This shortage of space hasSled toSthe vertical construction growth of low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise buildings, therefore structures are becoming more slender and susceptibleSto swaySand hence dangerousSin the earthquake. Researchers andSengineers has carried out the work to make the structures as earthquake resistant to the utmost resultantly practical evaluation shown that use ofSlateral resisting frame system in the high rise Multi-story building has improved the performance of the frame structure in Earthquake. In seismic design of Multistory building shear wallsSare one of the mostSappropriate and important structural elements in a multistorey building. It is the mostScommonSstructure adopted to make the structure earthquake resistant. These are constructed to counteract the lateral loads caused by wind load and seismic loads. Shear walls provide adequate stiffness and strength to the structure during earthquakes that are oftenSneglected during the designSof the structure and construction of the structure. This project would involve designing a multi-story building and analyzing its structural behavior under lateral loads, such as wind or seismic activity. The design would focus on the placement of the shear walls to optimize their effectiveness in resisting lateral forces. In order to testSthis hypothesis, the G+6 story building model was designed with and without shear walls and analyzed for various parameters like story drift ratio, base shear, lateralSdisplacement, bending moment and shear force. The significance of the shear wall has been studied with the help of three models. The first model is without a shear wall i.e. Moment Resistant Frame and the other two models have a shear wall with different placement option. ETABs 2020 is used for the modeling and analysis of both models and it was carried out using the Equivalent Static force method. The comparison of the outcomes of all models has been carried out to check the structural strength of the structure based on the same parameters like base shear, story drift ratio, lateral displacement, bending moment andSshear force en_US
dc.title Analysis of a multi-story RCC frame with shear walls en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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