In current time and age Unmanned Vehicles are promising future enabling man to achieve what previously were dangerous and impossible tasks. But to do so, Unmanned Vehicle controller required training which still limited the task on hand due to the range and data loss.
Here we are working on optimized Unmanned Aerial Vehicle design that requires minimum input from the controller to complete the tasks. Our UAV have on board cameras, flight controller, GPS, sensors and Computer System. It has direct connection with the Ground Controller and has virtually unlimited range.
UAV can:
o Taxi autonomously.
o Take off and Land automatically without any assistance from Human.
o Visually detect multiple objects.
o Navigate automatically.
o Complete robotic tasks such as vehicle following, terrain 3D mapping, reconnaissance and Surveillance.
o It can also be used as low altitude satellite as it has the capability to remain in air for hours because of Solar Cells.
UAV will also have on board solar cells which will increase flight time of the UAV.