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Disruptions in Supply Chain of Telecom Industry of Pakistan during and Post Covid-19 – A Case on ZONG CM PAK B

Show simple item record Raheel, Abdul Hadi 2023-10-11T11:25:03Z 2023-10-11T11:25:03Z 2023
dc.identifier.other 276807
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Nabeel Safdar en_US
dc.description.abstract The Telecom Sector of Pakistan is one of the leading sectors of the country. It has seen massive growth over the years. For the very same reason, we can see that many operators have shown interest & have invested heavily here. Side by side, due to enormous competition in this sector we can see that the mobile phone is now in reach of every common man which was once considered as a luxury & premium item. Currently there are 4 main telecom operators in the country namely, Jazz, Zong, Ufone & Telenor. It would not be wrong to state here that the sector has in some manner reached its maturity as the market has saturated. However when we talk about the recent pandemic – COVID 19 & the impact it had on this industry, it was unbelievable. Despite the negative impacts on different departments within this sector, the telecom sector showed massive growth. The major reason behind it was because of the work from home policies being adopted by organizations nationwide. On the contrary, it would also not be wrong to state here that the supply chain segment was affected adversely. This is because this sector heavily relies on the imports for many of its products. Many shipments got delayed due to the pandemic & as a result the margins, policies & procurement was affected. This project is about the disruptions in the Supply Chain of ZONG during & post COVID 19. We will have a look at how the pandemic affected this organization, the major issues faced by the supply chain department & how it affected their operations. Lastly we will also have a look at the loopholes & how the organization dealt with this issue – what measure it took & give some of my recommendations as well. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Business School (NBS), NUST en_US
dc.title Disruptions in Supply Chain of Telecom Industry of Pakistan during and Post Covid-19 – A Case on ZONG CM PAK B en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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