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Impact of Covid-19 on Employees through the lens of Digitalization -Work-Life Balance and the Role of HRM

Show simple item record Shah, Zia Ullah 2023-10-11T11:43:46Z 2023-10-11T11:43:46Z 2023
dc.identifier.other 275038
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Adeel Khalid en_US
dc.description.abstract COVID-19's restrictions have compelled businesses all around the world to speed their business transformation to digital operations. Human resource management (HRM) is at the core of these shifts, assisting firms in navigating the uncertain present and future. HRM must manage people in firms during a crisis to maintain company continuity and have a balance between work and life. Changes in rules, procedures, workspaces, association systems, health and safety of workers are becoming increasingly important as the future brings more flexible, remote-friendly, digital working standards. Besides, the ever-changing technology significantly impacted the working of employees in remote areas. Hence, the need for adapting of new technology cannot be ignored. Henceforth, in-light with above mentioned problem this study makes an attempt to understand the impact of COVID-19 on employees through the lens of digitalization - work-life balance and the Role of HRM. The study employed qualitative research design. By employing purposive sampling method, semi-structured interviews were conducted, where participants were chosen from IT-industry of Pakistan. The research work covers the issues that HRM experienced because of Covid-19 crisis in terms of managing employees when they worked remotely and their work-life balance. According to the expert interviews performed in IT-industry in Pakistan, human resource management must consider developing new regulations for hybrid working methods in response to the present pandemic problem. For instance, maintaining working hours for employees. Employees should be asked not to work after 6 or 7 pm. In addition, psychology workshops must be conducted to ensure the well-being of the employees. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Business School (NBS), NUST en_US
dc.title Impact of Covid-19 on Employees through the lens of Digitalization -Work-Life Balance and the Role of HRM en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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