The term Digital Marketing was coined in 1990s, and the world was introduced to a new platform that could satisfy the needs of sellers to market their products, to a large audience at the same time, something that could not be achieved before. As the world saw greater developments in the technology, marketers had greater, more advanced digital tools at their disposal to communicate with their audience. Tools, the marketers will use to eventually gain a competitive advantage over other companies. In the more modern times, social media has become a central arena for all the sellers and marketers to ‘meet’, see what each company offers or what consumers of a certain category demand and then bring together the relevant sellers to the buyers. The literal marketplace that has existed all through human history, has now moved to a more virtual setting and using the advanced technologies, has become a more efficient way for both parties to fulfil their objectives.
This report aims at identifying the digital marketing tools available for businesses today. Sections 1 will detail the difference between Traditional marketing and Digital marketing. The effectiveness of the Digital marketing tools and how businesses can adopt these to better understand the customer perception. The impact of marketing analytics will also be discussed to get a glance at how these tools are implemented. Lastly, a look at what challenges businesses may face in implementing digital marketing and how they may gauge how satisfied the customers are and how they perceive the product.
Section 2 of this report will cover the implementation of these marketing tools in a business environment. Focusing on a marketing campaign conducted by S&P Global in the launch of a new subscription-based platform, RatingsDirect® on S&P Capital IQ Pro, which brings together two of their existing products, RatingsDirect® and S&P Capital IQ Pro. Data on this campaign was collected through their official website and sources where the ad campaign was run. Being part of the Sales Support team, I was able to get a greater understanding of the tools implemented through communications with the Marketing and Sales team along with my own experience and understanding of the platforms being discussed.