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Enhancing Gait Symmetry: The Impact of Prolonged Sitting and the Efficacy of Flexibility Exercises

Show simple item record Khan, Habib Ullah 2024-01-03T07:11:11Z 2024-01-03T07:11:11Z 2023
dc.identifier.other 329146
dc.description Supervisor : Dr Asim Waris en_US
dc.description.abstract Due to advancement in technology, we have seen a shift in the modern work environment. A notable surge has been seen in the percentage of people with jobs requiring prolonged sitting. There is a strong link between sedentary behavior and health risks down the road. Gait of a person is also linked to sedentary behavior which is believed to be significantly affected by prolonged inactivity. Gait asymmetry can be a very good indicator of overall physical health and that is why it used extensively to assess the physical health of subjects. Due to prolonged sitting, tightening of certain muscles, reduction in core strength and reduction in joint flexibility can lead to various Gait abnormalities. Our study is designed to compare the Gait asymmetry of physically active individuals with those of inactive individuals. We took into account various gait related features to find out the gait asymmetry between the right and left limb. We then also assessed the impact of exercise on gait symmetry and introduce flexibility training to the Sedentary group. Sedentary group performed Flexibility Training for 4 weeks every day. The exercises were performed thrice every day for 30 minutes. Results were substantial in supporting the link between sedentary behavior and increased gait asymmetry. Results also showed improvements in gait symmetry using flexibility training exercises en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (SMME), NUST en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries SMME-TH-957;
dc.subject Gait Symmetry, Cadence, Stride Length, Stride Time, Swing to Stance Ratio en_US
dc.title Enhancing Gait Symmetry: The Impact of Prolonged Sitting and the Efficacy of Flexibility Exercises en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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