Digital media and technology, an opportunity and threat The development of the Internet, World Wide Web and other digital technologies have
transformed marketing. For consumers, they give a much wider choice of products, services
and prices from different suppliers and a more convenient way to select and purchase items.
There is also a choice of technology platforms from desktops and laptops to smartphone
and tablet devices for consumers to use. For organisations, digital media and new technol ogy platforms give the opportunity to expand into new markets, offer new services, apply
new online communications techniques and compete on a more equal footing with larger
businesses. For those working within these organisations it gives the opportunity to develop
new skills and to use these new tools to improve the competitiveness of the company.
At the same time, the Internet and related digital technology platforms give rise to many
threats to organisations. For example, online companies such as ASOS.com (clothing),
Amazon.com (books and retail), iTunes (music) and Expedia (travel) have captured a sig nificant part of their market and struck fear into the existing players. Many consumers
now regularly use social networks like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter as part
of their daily lives. Engaging these consumers is an ongoing challenge, but as we will see,
companies like ASOS have taken advantage of these opportunities to interact with custom ers and this has helped them develop as a worldwide brand.
Management of digital marketing: With the success stories of companies capturing market share following the rapidly increas ing adoption of the Internet by consumers and business buyers has come a fast-growing
realisation that all organisations must have an effective online presence to prosper, or
possibly even survive! Michael Porter said in 2001:
The key question is not whether to deploy Internet technology – companies have no
choice if they want to stay competitive – but how to deploy it.
What are the techniques that businesses need to master to make effective use of digital
marketing? Figure P.1 gives an indication of the range of marketing activities that now
need to be managed effectively and which are covered in this text. RACE describes the
range of tactics needed to reach, interact with, convert and engage online audience across
the customer lifecycle from generating awareness, conversion to sale (online and offline)
and retention and growth of customers.
The figure shows the range of different marketing activities or operating processes
needed to support acquiring new customers through communicating with them on third party websites and social media, attracting them to a company website, converting web site visits into sales and then using online media to encourage further sales. You can see
that applying social media is a part of RACE and therefore is one of the key management