It has been observed that since last few decades maintenance activities are solely more
than 50% of total construction activities. It has been reported in last few decades
maintenance work ratio is increasing yearly. Hence it also shows that maintenance is
clearly an important and big issue as efficient maintenance work holds the key to better
operation facility, for this maintenance strategies and selection of appropriate
maintenance contractor plays an important role. Traditionally contractor is selection is
a process purely based on low price contract. Best value procurement is other method
of procurement arises due to increase the complexity of projects & increasing
awareness of maintenance. But a limited work is carried out for maintenance contractor
selection process also these best values approaches come with lack of substantiation
knowledge for the factors include in the best value approach, which make the model
difficult to adopt and there is no strategies of evaluating criteria are mentioned, hence
this research aims to provide best value selection criteria through introducing of
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis for maintenance contractor selection
process along with the substantiation knowledge of factors to enhance owner ability in
selection process of maintenance contractor. For this goal 17 factors are divided into 5
criteria and pairwise comparison of among criteria and attributes has been done from
consultants. The attributes have been given local and global weights through AHP
procedure. Our result shows that past performance of contractor has the most weightage
criteria among all. The strategies for substantiation of the factors are also discussed,
which is primarily achieved through interviews with industry consultants. Final best
value framework has been made which shows the weightages of criteria and attributes
along with strategies through which those attributes can be evaluated.