Monopulse antenna systems are employed to determine direction-of-arrival (DoA) where the
angle of arrival (AoA) is measured on a single pulse. One of the most significant advantages of
this type of system is its speed of operation since all of the necessary computations are performed
in the hardware and are instantaneously available. In this thesis, a simple and compact 2x2
microstrip square shaped antenna elements is designed at X-Band which is comprised of only two
rat-race couplers as a mono-pulse comparator for tracking radar applications. This system provides
sum and difference patterns in both azimuth and elevation planes for the accurate tracking of
targets. A circularly polarized antenna is employed for sum pattern to avoid polarization loss
among sum and difference patterns. The design is fabricated and the measured results matches the
simulation results to great extent. The -10 dB bandwidth of the antennas in azimuth and elevation
is 200 MHz and 264 MHz respectively. The sum pattern has gain of 9 dBi in azimuth and elevation
at frequency of 10.35 GHz. The null depth in azimuth is -29 dB and -30 dB in elevation with
respect to gain of antenna.