An All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), also known as a light utility vehicle (LUV), is a vehicle
that travels on low-pressure tires, it is designed to handle a variety of terrain than most other
vehicles. By the current ANSI definition, ATVs are intended for use by a single operator
who can operate the vehicle on board as well as remotely. ATVs are used in numerous
industries for their maneuverability and off-roading capability. These include border patrol,
construction, emergency medical services, land management, law enforcement, mineral
and oil exploration, pipeline transport, search and rescue, small-scale forestry, surveying,
wild land fire control, and applications in military. ATVs are also used in several sports
competitions as well. These machines can be modified for multiple racing disciplines such
as motocross, woods racing, desert racing, hill climbing, ice racing, speedway, flat track,
drag racing and others. In Pakistan, ATVs are mostly used in the form of Quad bikes or in
4x4 configuration. Whereas in USA and Europe, there has been a lot of development in the
field of 6 wheeled and 8 wheeled ATVs. These multi axle ATVs provide the added benefit
of better traction, weight distribution, more contact patches, better cornering, stability, and
improved maneuverability. Not only this, but ATVs have also been modified for unmanned
application in both space and military applications. As they are built to tackle any type of
terrain, this is very much helpful in utilizing them in unmanned situations as well as
autonomous applications