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Design and Fabrication of A Box Type PVC Welding Machine

Show simple item record Project Supervisor: Asst Prof Saheeb Kiyani, Syed Muhammad Umer Muneeb ur Rehman Hadeed Khan Faizan Ashraf 2024-05-11T10:49:56Z 2024-05-11T10:49:56Z 2022
dc.identifier.other DE-MECH-40
dc.description Project Supervisor: Asst Prof Saheeb Kiyani en_US
dc.description.abstract Our Aim is to Design and Fabricate a Box type PVC Welding Machine. Since Covid-19 there has been a sharp rise in the demand for blood bags and as our country is currently not manufacturing them, they are being imported. This Machine would be used in the Biomedical industry to manufacture Blood and Urine bags. It would be a fully automated Machine which would input two PVC sheets then using hot metal plates it would fuse them together. Firstly, the prototype would be produced on any feasible software then necessary analysis would be done. After the selection of suitable materials and equipment Fabrication would be done. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Design and Fabrication of A Box Type PVC Welding Machine en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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