Conventional ICE vehicles, while operating in urban settings, perform at very low
efficiency due to inherent power characteristics Hybrid vehicles have been developed
successfully to improve the engine efficiency characteristics, fuel consumption and
emission characteristics of the vehicle. Suzuki Bolan is a very common Multi-purpose
Vehicle (MPV) used in Pakistan widely for various transport operations. It has a drive
cycle corresponding to a very low-efficiency operation. An ICE to Hybrid conversion of
the drivetrain of Suzuki Bolan has been presented in this thesis. The process includes the
study of already existing characteristics of the vehicle and its drivetrain, calculations, and
simulations of various parameters for the optimization of the vehicle efficiency in terms of
fuel consumption and emission characteristics. A major part of the study consists of the
development of a gearbox, which is a crucial and central component of the drivetrain
system. Various parameters of the gears used have been calculated and optimized through
the process of simulations. The final model represents a drivetrain that increases the fuel
efficiency of the vehicle by a good percentage.