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Energy Harvesting System for Highways and Railway Tracks

Show simple item record PROJECT SUPERVISOR Dr. Abdur Rehman Mazhar, NC KAINAT ALI NC EIMAN SAQIB 2024-05-13T11:48:45Z 2024-05-13T11:48:45Z 2023
dc.identifier.other DE-MECH-41
dc.description PROJECT SUPERVISOR Dr. Abdur Rehman Mazhar en_US
dc.description.abstract The energy consumption in the world is increasing exponentially causing the depletion of fossil fuel-based resources. At the same time, there is extreme volatility in their prices and supply. Consequently, we must adapt the most energy efficient practices to harness energy to its maximum potential. At the same time, the global debate on greenhouse gas emission is intensifying. At the recent COP-27, scientists put forward the fact that if greenhouse gas emissions are not minimized the earth will reach a point of no return. This will cause permanent increments in global temperatures and have a catastrophic impact on the planet and its ecosystem. For these reasons, the world must move towards environmentally friendly power that is also economical. Solar and wind energy are viable sources of renewable energy that must be harnessed to their maximum potential. In this project a kinetic energy harvesting system that converts solar and wind energy into electrical energy is presented. The energy is then stored in a battery. The framework gives a proficient way to control and check energy generation and storage. The fabrication of a vertical axis wind turbine to demonstrate and highlight the potential of renewable energy as an applicable power source is highlighted in the project. This device can be used for micro-power generation at domestic levels to maximize its impact in numerous applications. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Energy Harvesting System for Highways and Railway Tracks en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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