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Analysis and Development of Novel Insulator for High Voltage Transmission Lines

Show simple item record PROJECT SUPERVISOR DR. IMRAN AKHTAR, RANA MUNEEB ANEES BILAL AHMED 2024-05-13T12:13:20Z 2024-05-13T12:13:20Z 2023
dc.identifier.other DE-MECH-41
dc.description.abstract Porcelain insulators play a critical role in ensuring the reliable transmission of electrical power in overhead power lines. They provide essential insulation against high voltages, effectively preventing electrical leakage and ensuring the safe and efficient flow of electricity. However, predicting the useful serviceable life of porcelain insulators is a challenging task, often requiring periodic verification to maintain their reliability. One of the primary concerns associated with porcelain insulators is the accumulation of salt and dust particles on their surface. Over time, these contaminants reduce the efficiency of the insulators, increasing the risk of flashovers. Flashovers, caused by the electrical discharge across insulator surfaces, disrupt the smooth power evacuation process, leading to power outages and compromising the overall efficiency of the transmission system. To address this issue, we propose the development of an innovative solution—an insulator that is capable of self-cleaning through the action of wind. By utilizing the natural force of wind, the insulator's surface would be continuously cleaned, preventing the accumulation of salt and dust particles. This automated cleaning process would significantly reduce contamination, minimizing the risk of flashovers and ensuring the uninterrupted flow of electricity. Implementing such a self-cleaning insulator would bring numerous benefits. Firstly, it would eliminate the need for time-consuming and costly manual cleaning processes, reducing maintenance efforts and associated expenses. Moreover, this solution would enhance worker safety by eliminating the requirement for hazardous cleaning procedures. Additionally, the improved cleanliness of the insulators would lead to a reduction in power outages, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of power transmission systems. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Analysis and Development of Novel Insulator for High Voltage Transmission Lines en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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