NUST Institutional Repository

Commercial Piezoelectric Buzzer, Design and Manufacturing

Show simple item record Supervisor Dr Hamid Jabbar Muaaz ul Hassan LE Hafiz Umar Aslam, Muaaz ul Hassan Hafiz Muhammad Jawad Syed Jawad Ali Shah 2024-05-15T09:27:31Z 2024-05-15T09:27:31Z 2023
dc.identifier.other DE-MTS-41
dc.description Supervisor Dr Hamid Jabbar Muaaz ul Hassan LE Hafiz Umar Aslam en_US
dc.description.abstract A piezoelectric buzzer is a type of sound-producing device that utilizes the piezoelectric effect to generate sound waves. The piezoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which certain materials generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress or pressure. Piezoelectric buzzers are made up of a housing, a diaphragm, and a piezoelectric element. The diaphragm vibrates when an electrical voltage is supplied to the piezoelectric element, causing it to physically deform and produce sound waves. By altering the voltage and the physical characteristics of the piezoelectric element and diaphragm, the frequency and amplitude of the sound wave can be changed. Due to its small size, low power consumption, and great durability, piezoelectric buzzers are frequently employed in electronic devices like alarms, timers, and electronic toys. Their dependability and quick response times are crucial in the automotive and medical device industries. The physical characteristics of the piezoelectric element and diaphragm determine the frequency range at which piezoelectric buzzers are normally intended to operate. They can create audible sound waves between 20Hz and 20kHz as well as ultrasonic waves over 20kHz. In conclusion, piezoelectric buzzers are devices that produce sound by using the piezoelectric phenomenon to create sound waves. Due to their small size, low power consumption, and high durability, they are frequently used in electronic devices. They can also produce sound waves in a specific frequency range depending on the physical characteristics of the piezoelectric element and diaphragm. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Commercial Piezoelectric Buzzer, Design and Manufacturing en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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