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Design & Development of Robot for Stacking in Warehouse Management Robot (Inspired by Squid Robot)

Show simple item record Supervisor Dr.Umar Shahbaz Dr. Tahir Nawaz, NC Bilal Amin NC Muhammad Jawad Haider NC Aaliyan Adnan Kausar 2024-05-15T10:11:03Z 2024-05-15T10:11:03Z 2023
dc.identifier.other DE-MTS-41
dc.description Supervisor Dr.Umar Shahbaz Dr. Tahir Nawaz en_US
dc.description.abstract The project aims to design and develop a warehouse management robot, an intelligent robotic system specifically designed to optimize warehouse operations. The robot's features are carefully selected to address the challenges of warehouse management, including autonomous navigation, versatile product handling, and seamless integration with existing systems. By leveraging robotics technology, the robot aims to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and safety in warehouse management, revolutionizing the industry.The robot is designed to climb a rack of cargo utilizing a rail attachment and a clamping mechanism. The robot should then travel horizontally across a level of cargo rack. The robot is designed to perform these tasks while lifting a cargo of weight 5 kg. The project is inspired by a warehouse management robot, SqUID Bot, created by Bionic Hive Ltd. The robot and SqUID bot both utilize a mechanism of rails to climb vertically and share common design of cargo platform and chassis shape. However, mechanisms of both robots differ on the basis of vertical traversal where SqUID bot uses threaded wheels for traction, our design incorporates clamping wheels for the traction by using friction.The design of robot was made to include all the motors and electronics while supporting the on-board cargo load and weight of robot against gravity. The CAD analysis allowed for fine tuning of parameters like thickness of sheet used for fabrication to balance the weight of robot and its strength. Motors were selected after calculating the required torque for vertical motion. Also, linear actuators were designed to withstand the weight and provide stability through clamping wheels.The project contains a comprehensive computer-aided design (CAD) process, resulting in a detailed and precise model of the robot. Extensive analysis using tools like ANSYS has been conducted to evaluate the robot's structural integrity, operating efficiency, and overall performance. With the successful completion of the CAD design and analysis phase, the project is now ready to proceed with the fabrication of a proof of concept, setting the stage for further development and practical implementation. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.subject Keywords: warehouse management robot, 3D modeling, ANSYS analysis, material selection, fabrication. en_US
dc.title Design & Development of Robot for Stacking in Warehouse Management Robot (Inspired by Squid Robot) en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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