NUST Institutional Repository

Design and Development of Commercial Surveillance Robot

Show simple item record Supervisor Dr. Hassan Elahi Co-Supervisor Dr. Tahir Nawaz, Aliza Naeem Hassaan Ahmed Saifi Ibrahim Nouman Syed Komail Haider 2024-06-20T12:08:16Z 2024-06-20T12:08:16Z 2024
dc.identifier.other DE-MTS-42
dc.description Supervisor Dr. Hassan Elahi en_US
dc.description.abstract A robot is an autonomous electronic device that uses associated sensors to detect environmental changes. Robots are trained to respond when perceived values are less than or greater than a given value. The programmers begin by sketching a flowchart of their concept before creating the proper algorithms to lessen the complexity and number of iterations in their program. A robot's fundamental components include logic circuits, electronic elements, and programming. Robots have recently been designed to decrease the need for human resources and observation time in a burgeoning, quickly developing technology. Recently, many customers' interests in surveillance robots have grown for a variety of applications. In this project, a surveillance robot is created and constructed to move through a specific area, preferably a residential setting, record video and audio, and then transmit the data to the user over a network. In order to protect, act, and inform users, surveillance is the process of maintaining tight, systematic monitoring, observation, or supervision over a person or an area. Over a Wi-Fi network, users can use laptops or cellphones to communicate with the robot. Robotic surveillance systems can be used both indoors and outdoors by programming embedded devices. With the help of IoT technologies and the Raspberry Pi, the robot can be remotely controlled wirelessly. This sensor-based robot employs a Raspberry Pi for networking along with Ethernet, WiFi, and Bluetooth. Both autonomous and semiautonomous modes use Python as the programming language. Experimental tests on the built robot were conducted. Through a WiFi network, the end user successfully receives the recorded videos, photos, and audio. For particular purposes, the operator could steer and maneuver the robot in different directions. Users are drawn to the developed simple robot to record and transfer information for the safety en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Design and Development of Commercial Surveillance Robot en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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