NUST Institutional Repository

Commercial Level Design and Development of Piezoelectric Dental Scaler

Show simple item record Supervisor Dr. Hamid Jabbar Co-Supervisor Dr. Hassan Elahi, Syed Ali Shahzar Asif Raja Wahab Akmal 2024-06-20T13:09:41Z 2024-06-20T13:09:41Z 2024
dc.identifier.other DE-MTS-42
dc.description Supervisor Dr. Hamid Jabbar en_US
dc.description.abstract This project contributes to the advancement of dental technology by offering a locally produced, efficient, and more affordable ultrasonic dental scaler. Ultrasonic Dental Scaler is a prime instrument that is used by dentists every day. It helps clean the calculus accumulated in the teeth that cannot be removed otherwise. This project focuses on the design, fabrication, and commercialization of a piezoelectric dental scaler. Piezoelectric scalers offer a more efficient and potentially gentler alternative to traditional scraping methods. The project is divided into two phases: analysis and fabrication. The analysis phase utilizes software simulations (COMSOL and ANSYS) to optimize the design of critical components, including the piezoelectric ring, pressing die, Langevin transducer, and driving circuit with booster and half-bridge configurations. Optimizing these elements through simulation ensures efficient operation and minimizes potential for failure during fabrication. The fabrication phase focuses on the physical realization of the prototype. This includes the development of the high-precision piezoelectric ring, the pressing die, the ultrasonic transducer, and the driving circuit. Additionally, the project incorporates 3D printing of the device casing for a user-friendly and ergonomic design. The critical component in this device is Piezoelectric ceramic ring actuator and critical manufacturing process is the minute bore hole for water. We are targeting the United Nations SDGs of ‘Good Health and Well Being (SDG 3)’, ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)’, ‘Industry Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9)’, ‘Responsible Consumption and Productions (SDG 12)’. The main aim of this project is to improve the health and wellbeing of the public by making medical devices more affordable and technically sound. By documenting the entire manufacturing process, this project will pave the way for mass production of the dental scaler. This will ultimately lead to a reduction in the market price of the device, making it more accessible to dental professionals and the indigenous mass manufacturing will help the ailing economy of Pakistan. This will pave way for further research on piezoelectric materials to utilize them in medical instruments development. The project will result in the filing of two intellectual property designs, safeguarding the unique aspects of the design and ensuring continued innovation en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Commercial Level Design and Development of Piezoelectric Dental Scaler en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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