The purpose of the project is to design and fabricate the eco-friendly, compact portable and economical paper recycling machine that utilizes the waste or used paper to recycle it and making various products like cardboard , tissue paper, paper of various grades and sizes etc. On industrial scale there are several paper recycling plants, recycling the used paper but not one of this kind of machine exist in Pakistan that recycles paper instantaneously. Annually tons of paper got wasted or shred away due to its confidentiality, some might get burnt leading to emission of greenhouse gases thus contributing towards global warming. By recycling of used paper not only we will reduce the carbon footprint and pollution (one of the SDGS) but also contributing towards sustainability making world better place. The recycling of paper will lead to a sustainable environment reducing carbon footprint. The paper machine can be utilized in schools, offices, public/private universities, recycling their own used paper like exam papers, documents, report, manuals, research paper. Small scale Recycling machine do exist in other countries, but they are far too expensive and not sure if large firms can also bear the cost. So, this is an effort manufacture recycling machine at indigenous level so that each and every sector can gain the maximum benefit, and later on setup can be made for the mass production of machines.